Montgomery County Background & Trends

Montco 2050 Trends

Montgomery County is continuing its work on a new comprehensive plan, Montco 2050: A Comprehensive Plan for a Changing World. This important plan will guide overall growth and future development and will help the county in making planning decisions with an outlook to the year 2050. It focuses on broad issues that affect everyone’s quality of life: land use, traffic and transit, open space, parks and trails, housing, water resources, and the economy.

MCPC has recently completed ten trend reports as background for Montco 2050. Download the trend reports below, which include:

  • People and Population Trends
  • Existing Land Use Trends
  • Transportation Trends
  • Preservation and Recreation Trends
  • Environmental Systems Trends
  • Infrastructure and Utilities Trends
  • Economic Development Trends
  • Housing Trends
  • Health Trends
  • Government and Community Facilities Trends

For more information on MontCo 2050, visit the Montgomery County Planning Commission website here.


MontCo 2050 (13.97 MB)