Zoning Reforms to Mitigate America’s Affordable Housing Crisis

A map of municipalities where the zoning code has been analyzed for the National Zoning Atlas

No one tool can solve a problem as seemingly intractable as the lack of affordable housing in the U.S., but many cities recognize that zoning reform can be a valuable catalyst to increase all types of housing supply.

“The silver lining is that the affordable housing crisis is so severe that this is one of the top issues facing constituents, so politicians are more likely to address it,” says M. Nolan Gray, a Los Angeles–based city planner and the author of Arbitrary Lines: How Zoning Broke the American City and How to Fix It. “For example, dozens of cities scrapped their exclusionary single-family home zoning and parking requirements in the past few years, which was previously inconceivable.”

Click the link below to view the whole article.  For more information on this topic, Reshaping The City covers this topic in more detail.